Track 2-11: Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Cycling
One limitation in organic farming is short supply of forage. Organic fertilizer including cattle manure is overproduced in Korea but farmers are reluctant to use these kinds of resources because of heavy weight and handling cost. Legumes are of crucial importance for the N supply of grassland farming. They convert atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) to plant available N through symbiosis. Information on N2 fixation and transfer is lacking in Asian countries with a lot of results coming from EU and America. The objective of this report was to estimate potential N fixation and determine related benefits from intercropping pea with barley at different organic fertilizer levels. We also wished to measure the efficacy of N2 fixation by 15N dilution and the difference method using barley as reference crop.
Lee, H. W.; Kim, J. D.; and Kim, C. H., "Effect of Organic Nitrogen Levels on N Fixation in Pea-Barley Mixture" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 15.
Effect of Organic Nitrogen Levels on N Fixation in Pea-Barley Mixture
One limitation in organic farming is short supply of forage. Organic fertilizer including cattle manure is overproduced in Korea but farmers are reluctant to use these kinds of resources because of heavy weight and handling cost. Legumes are of crucial importance for the N supply of grassland farming. They convert atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) to plant available N through symbiosis. Information on N2 fixation and transfer is lacking in Asian countries with a lot of results coming from EU and America. The objective of this report was to estimate potential N fixation and determine related benefits from intercropping pea with barley at different organic fertilizer levels. We also wished to measure the efficacy of N2 fixation by 15N dilution and the difference method using barley as reference crop.