Track 1-09: Adoption of Precision Management to Improve Efficiency of Grassland-Based Livestock Production
There is increased interest in hardware and software that can support e-Management for grassland-based livestock industries. Managers of grazing livestock were early adopters of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies automatically monitoring individual animal performance. Recent developments of remote sensing, automated individual recording and management, location based systems, improved data transfer and technologies that can be used in more extensive grazing systems are providing new opportunities for the development of e-Management systems. There is a need for better data integration and systems that can provide the best available information to enable better decision-making. For greater industry adoption of more integrated e-Management systems, there needs to be a clear economic value. With increased on farm monitoring and the expansion of digital data sources, grazing livestock production systems have the opportunity to expand production efficiency through the implementation of e-Management.
Swain, Dave L.; Handcock, Rebecca N.; Bishop-Hurley, Greg J.; and Menzies, Don, "Opportunities for Improving Livestock Production with e-Management Systems" (2019). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 1.
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Opportunities for Improving Livestock Production with e-Management Systems
There is increased interest in hardware and software that can support e-Management for grassland-based livestock industries. Managers of grazing livestock were early adopters of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies automatically monitoring individual animal performance. Recent developments of remote sensing, automated individual recording and management, location based systems, improved data transfer and technologies that can be used in more extensive grazing systems are providing new opportunities for the development of e-Management systems. There is a need for better data integration and systems that can provide the best available information to enable better decision-making. For greater industry adoption of more integrated e-Management systems, there needs to be a clear economic value. With increased on farm monitoring and the expansion of digital data sources, grazing livestock production systems have the opportunity to expand production efficiency through the implementation of e-Management.