Track 1-04: Germplasm Preservation, Domestication and Use of Native Forage Plants
Elymus sibiricus L. is widely distributed in the eastern Tibetan Plateau of China. Current research on E. sibiricus mainly focuses on resource assessment, breeding, cultivation and dynamics of forage yield. Little is known about the effects of row spacing on the biomass components and accumulated energy of E. sibiricus. We conducted a study to determine the effects of row spacing on biomass components and accumulated energy in E. sibiricus. These data are important to optimize forage and seed production of E. sibiricus, and can assist in developing animal husbandry, structurally adjusting the agricultural industry and protecting the environment.
Liu, Jinping and You, Minghong, "Row Spacing Effects on Biomass Components and Accumulated Energy in Elymus sibiricus L." (2019). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 13.
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Row Spacing Effects on Biomass Components and Accumulated Energy in Elymus sibiricus L.
Elymus sibiricus L. is widely distributed in the eastern Tibetan Plateau of China. Current research on E. sibiricus mainly focuses on resource assessment, breeding, cultivation and dynamics of forage yield. Little is known about the effects of row spacing on the biomass components and accumulated energy of E. sibiricus. We conducted a study to determine the effects of row spacing on biomass components and accumulated energy in E. sibiricus. These data are important to optimize forage and seed production of E. sibiricus, and can assist in developing animal husbandry, structurally adjusting the agricultural industry and protecting the environment.