Track 1-02: Development and Impact of Sown Tropical Species


Two strategies have been used in the breeding of Brachiaria (syn. Urochloa) to produce new cultivars. The first involves exploring the natural variability existing in nature, which is the selection of ecotypes, mostly apomicts, from the diversity in germplasm banks. This strategy proved efficient originally and the cultivars in use in Brazil were derived in this way, but progress with this strategy is limited in the medium to long term.



Breeding Strategies for Brachiaria spp. to Improve Productivity–An Ongoing Project

Two strategies have been used in the breeding of Brachiaria (syn. Urochloa) to produce new cultivars. The first involves exploring the natural variability existing in nature, which is the selection of ecotypes, mostly apomicts, from the diversity in germplasm banks. This strategy proved efficient originally and the cultivars in use in Brazil were derived in this way, but progress with this strategy is limited in the medium to long term.