Track 1-15: Pastures in Integrated Crop/Livestock Production Systems
Western China has been facing the challenges of both environmental sustainability and economic development. Current government policies and interventions support the development of integrated crop-livestock production systems for enhancing food security and environment sustainability. Compared with traditional grain-based faming systems, integrated systems have better resource utilisation, however annual forage supply deficits estimated at 1.37 t DM forage/farm are experienced in the region, especially in late winter and early spring. Accordingly, optimising the use of available forage resources is a priority for regional researchers and extension officers, with research seeking pathways for better fodder conservation and greater and more effective use of fodder sources to close the spring feed gap. This paper presents relevant research activities relating to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) management in integrated crop-livestock production systems. As the planting of alfalfa is strongly encouraged in northern China, alfalfa species selection and optimised harvesting management are essential to ensure the full benefits of alfalfa are available for livestock intensification. The capacity for a prevalent grain crop, winter wheat to be managed as a dual-purpose fodder and grain source shows potential as a means to alleviate deficits of animal feed supply. The present information expands our understanding of integrated forage-livestock production in rain-fed areas, exploring options that can improve productivity in small-farm households leading to income generation.
Shen, Yuying; Nan, Zhibiao; Hou, Fujiang; Tian, Lihua; and Yang, Huimin, "The Role of Alfalfa and Forage Resources in Crop-Livestock Systems in a Rain-Fed Region of North-Western China" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 2.
The Role of Alfalfa and Forage Resources in Crop-Livestock Systems in a Rain-Fed Region of North-Western China
Western China has been facing the challenges of both environmental sustainability and economic development. Current government policies and interventions support the development of integrated crop-livestock production systems for enhancing food security and environment sustainability. Compared with traditional grain-based faming systems, integrated systems have better resource utilisation, however annual forage supply deficits estimated at 1.37 t DM forage/farm are experienced in the region, especially in late winter and early spring. Accordingly, optimising the use of available forage resources is a priority for regional researchers and extension officers, with research seeking pathways for better fodder conservation and greater and more effective use of fodder sources to close the spring feed gap. This paper presents relevant research activities relating to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) management in integrated crop-livestock production systems. As the planting of alfalfa is strongly encouraged in northern China, alfalfa species selection and optimised harvesting management are essential to ensure the full benefits of alfalfa are available for livestock intensification. The capacity for a prevalent grain crop, winter wheat to be managed as a dual-purpose fodder and grain source shows potential as a means to alleviate deficits of animal feed supply. The present information expands our understanding of integrated forage-livestock production in rain-fed areas, exploring options that can improve productivity in small-farm households leading to income generation.