Track 1-13: Monitoring and Managing Grass and Forage Biomass Resources at the Landscape Level
Cattle tracks are usually formed as lines of narrow de-pressed bare paths after cattle repeatedly move across sloping pasture. In steep pasture, we can often see cattle create parallel lines through their grazing behaviour. Factors that may influence the formation of cattle tracks include hoof pressure, pasture slope/angle, grazing infra-structure such as fences and water troughs, and type of vegetation. However, if these tracks connect up the pasture may be degraded to such an extent that bare areas emerge leading to soil erosion. Therefore, it is important to under-stand the characteristics of the structure and formation of cattle tracks, to analyze their function and to investigate the soil structure below the cattle tracks.
Hosokawa, Yoshiharu, "Structure and Formation of Cattle Tracks in Sloping Pasture" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 16.
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Structure and Formation of Cattle Tracks in Sloping Pasture
Cattle tracks are usually formed as lines of narrow de-pressed bare paths after cattle repeatedly move across sloping pasture. In steep pasture, we can often see cattle create parallel lines through their grazing behaviour. Factors that may influence the formation of cattle tracks include hoof pressure, pasture slope/angle, grazing infra-structure such as fences and water troughs, and type of vegetation. However, if these tracks connect up the pasture may be degraded to such an extent that bare areas emerge leading to soil erosion. Therefore, it is important to under-stand the characteristics of the structure and formation of cattle tracks, to analyze their function and to investigate the soil structure below the cattle tracks.