Track 1-12: Managing Seasonality in Grassland Quality and Quantity
The grass plant is comprised of leaf blades, leaf sheath (pseudostem), true stem and dead material each differing in digestibility and their relative proportions can impact significantly on sward quality. The objective of this study was to determine the change in the proportion and organic matter digestibility (OMD) of leaf, pseudostem, true stem and dead fractions of four perennial ryegrass cultivars throughout a grazing season.
Beecher, Marion; Hennessy, Deirdre; Boland, Tommy M.; Galvin, Norann; Fleming, Christina; McEvoy, Mary; O’Donovan, Michael; and Lewis, Eva, "The Variation in Morphological Fractions of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars throughout the Grazing Season and Subsequent Impacts on Organic Matter Digestibility" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 7.
The Variation in Morphological Fractions of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars throughout the Grazing Season and Subsequent Impacts on Organic Matter Digestibility
The grass plant is comprised of leaf blades, leaf sheath (pseudostem), true stem and dead material each differing in digestibility and their relative proportions can impact significantly on sward quality. The objective of this study was to determine the change in the proportion and organic matter digestibility (OMD) of leaf, pseudostem, true stem and dead fractions of four perennial ryegrass cultivars throughout a grazing season.