Track 1-10: Assessment and Impact of Grass and Forage Quality


Grasslands provide an important part of the feed used by domestic and wild ruminants. Fresh herbage is an important natural source of vitamins in ruminant diets. Concentrations of vitamins in plants depend on factors such as regrowth stage, temperature and day length, N fertilisation and leaf proportion in the harvested herbage. Most studies on vitamin concentrations in forages have been carried out with agronomical important grass species such as perennial ryegrass and legume species such as white clover, but hardly with other grassland forage species. As data of dicotyledonous species grown in a sward are scarce, yield, quality and vitamin contents in a number of herb (hereafter referred to as forb) and legume species were compared to a grass-clover mixture to get an insight into species differences.



Quality and Vitamins in Forage Herb and Legume Species

Grasslands provide an important part of the feed used by domestic and wild ruminants. Fresh herbage is an important natural source of vitamins in ruminant diets. Concentrations of vitamins in plants depend on factors such as regrowth stage, temperature and day length, N fertilisation and leaf proportion in the harvested herbage. Most studies on vitamin concentrations in forages have been carried out with agronomical important grass species such as perennial ryegrass and legume species such as white clover, but hardly with other grassland forage species. As data of dicotyledonous species grown in a sward are scarce, yield, quality and vitamin contents in a number of herb (hereafter referred to as forb) and legume species were compared to a grass-clover mixture to get an insight into species differences.