Track 1-10: Assessment and Impact of Grass and Forage Quality
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is acknowledged as a food as well as a medicinal plant and its cultivation in Ja-pan has recently expanded. Rush (Juncus effuses L.) which is widely distributed in the temperate regions in the north-ern hemisphere, has historically been used as a herbal medicine for nephritis and dermal disorders. However, there is a lot of harvest residue of both plants. This research was conducted to find out the way for the effective use of these residues as functional feed resources.
Koike, Akiko; Yasuda, Shin; Nagai, Ryoji; Okamoto, Chinobu; Nikki, Takahiro; Igoshi, Keiji; Pradhan, Rajeev; Ono, Masateru; and Kabata, Kiyotaka, "Development of New Functional Feed that Utilizes Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and Rush (Juncus effuses L.) in Japan" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 15.
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Development of New Functional Feed that Utilizes Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and Rush (Juncus effuses L.) in Japan
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is acknowledged as a food as well as a medicinal plant and its cultivation in Ja-pan has recently expanded. Rush (Juncus effuses L.) which is widely distributed in the temperate regions in the north-ern hemisphere, has historically been used as a herbal medicine for nephritis and dermal disorders. However, there is a lot of harvest residue of both plants. This research was conducted to find out the way for the effective use of these residues as functional feed resources.