Track 17-1: People in Grasslands/Rangelands
The XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Rangeland Congress took place in Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008.
Proceedings edited by Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference
Published by Guangdong People's Publishing House
Martin Phillips, University of Leicester, UK |
Zhongling Liu, University of Inner Mongolia, China |
Traditional Ranching Heritage and Cultural Continuity in the Southwestern United States Carol Raish, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Traditional Grazing Systems Used by Pastoralists of Eastern Alborz (North of Iran) Hossein Barani, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran |
S. Dube, University of Fort Hare, South Africa |
Traditional Rangeland Management Systems in Chitral Ismail Muhammad, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal |
Bernard Toutain, CIRAD, France |
Commercial Assets of the Senegalese Pastoral Population (Ferlo) A. Wane, CIRAD‐PPZS, Senegal |
Knowledge in Practice: Exploring Rancher's Ecological Knowledge in NW Colorado Corrine Noel Knapp, Colorado State University |
Gisela Baumann, University of Cologne, Germany |
A Research of the Living Environment in the Pasturing Area Yajuan Guo, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China |
Cattle Producer Perceptions of Their Grazing Systems in the Rangelands of Northern Australia Cristine Hall, CSIRO, Australia |
Yuki Morinaga, Meiji University, Japan |
YIng Tian, Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences, China |
Yina Xie, Peking University, China |
Changed Relations: Understanding Conflicts in Pastoral Areas Shaoliang Yi, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal |
Social and Cultural Implications of Scaling out Livestock Production in the Lao PDR Joanne Millar, Charles Sturt University, Australia |
P. N. Macharia, Kenya Soil Survey, Kenya |
Mongolian O‐Boo Culture and Biodiversity Conservation in Arbas Mountain, Ordos Plateau Manliang, Beijing Normal University, China |
Commercial Grazing versus Peri‐Urbanisation: Comparisons of Landscape Condition Cam K. McDonald, CSIRO, Australia |
Nianyong Han, Chinese National Committee for MAB, China |
Birgit Müller, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Germany |
The Perception of Management Needs in Bolivian Rural Communities Andrea Pardini, University of Florence‐Piazzale Cascine, Italy |
A Forage Book of International Impact Garry D. Lacefield, University of Kentucky |
MunkhDalai A. Zhang, Bureau of Land and Mineral Resources of Hulunbuir City, China |
Contribution of Common Grazing Lands to People's Livelihood in Semi‐Arid India A. K. Misra, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, India |
Comparison Study on the Development Mode of Nomadic Civilizations in Mongolia Plateau Jin Yi, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China |
On the Coupling Relations and Applied Value of Herdsman and Grassland Ecosystem Kanglong Luo, Jihou University, China |
Syed Hassan Raza, Livestock and Dairy Development Board, Pakistan |