Offered Papers Theme C: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland
The EU Nitrates, Habitat and National Emissions Ceilings directives and the Kyoto Agreement mean that agricultural losses of NO3, NH3 and N2O are under scrutiny by national and international environmental authorities. When farmers wish to intensify their operations, the authorities must then assess the likely environmental impact of the change in operation. The FARM-N internet tool was developed to help farmers and authorities agree how the farm will be structured and managed in the future, and to provide an objective assessment of the environmental losses that will result.
Hutchings, N. J.; Petersen, B. M.; Kristensen, I. S.; Detlefsen, N.; and Jørgensen, M. S., "An Internet-Based Tool for Use in Assessing the Likely Effect of Intensification on Losses of Nitrogen to the Environment" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 33.
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Biology Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons
An Internet-Based Tool for Use in Assessing the Likely Effect of Intensification on Losses of Nitrogen to the Environment
The EU Nitrates, Habitat and National Emissions Ceilings directives and the Kyoto Agreement mean that agricultural losses of NO3, NH3 and N2O are under scrutiny by national and international environmental authorities. When farmers wish to intensify their operations, the authorities must then assess the likely environmental impact of the change in operation. The FARM-N internet tool was developed to help farmers and authorities agree how the farm will be structured and managed in the future, and to provide an objective assessment of the environmental losses that will result.