![IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)](../../../../assets/md5images/80874e84d39b3682b40680d4111c25da.png)
Offered Papers Theme C: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland
The Sustainable Grazing Systems Programme (SGS) ran from 1996-2002 with 11 regional producer committees (Regional Producer Network - Simpson et al., 2003) and 6 research sites (National Experiment Andrew & Lodge, 2003) distributed throughout the high rainfall zone of temperate Australia. Each regional committee had a core of producers, with invited scientists and extension practitioners and a paid facilitator. The chair was always a producer and rotated annually. Each regional committee conducted a number of paddock-sized demonstrations of improved grazing management practices on a number of farms within the themes; grazing management and weeds, high input systems, innovative grazing methods for production and the SGS adoption process. Each demonstration was on a producer's property assisted by a local management committee with objective data collected by the regional facilitator. The National research sites investigated the effects of grazing management on sustainable livestock production through five themes; water, nutrients, pastures, animals and biodiversity. Producers had a significant input into the design of the National Experiment and each site had a local advisory committee.
Whalley, R. D. B.; Simpson, I. H.; and Mason, W. K., "Livestock Producers and Researchers - A Case Study of an Effective Partnership" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 119.
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Biology Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons
Livestock Producers and Researchers - A Case Study of an Effective Partnership
The Sustainable Grazing Systems Programme (SGS) ran from 1996-2002 with 11 regional producer committees (Regional Producer Network - Simpson et al., 2003) and 6 research sites (National Experiment Andrew & Lodge, 2003) distributed throughout the high rainfall zone of temperate Australia. Each regional committee had a core of producers, with invited scientists and extension practitioners and a paid facilitator. The chair was always a producer and rotated annually. Each regional committee conducted a number of paddock-sized demonstrations of improved grazing management practices on a number of farms within the themes; grazing management and weeds, high input systems, innovative grazing methods for production and the SGS adoption process. Each demonstration was on a producer's property assisted by a local management committee with objective data collected by the regional facilitator. The National research sites investigated the effects of grazing management on sustainable livestock production through five themes; water, nutrients, pastures, animals and biodiversity. Producers had a significant input into the design of the National Experiment and each site had a local advisory committee.