Offered Papers Theme A: Efficient Production from Grassland


Selenium concentrations in herbage are frequently insufficient (< 100 μg Se/kg dry matter (DM)) to meet the requirements of ruminants. Whereas increasing Se supply by feeding mineral mixtures is a reliable method to prevent Se deficiencies for dairy cows, adequate Se supplementation is more difficult to achieve in extensive systems (McDowell, 1996). A suitable measure could be the addition of Se to herbage before ensiling.



Suitability of Selenate Containing Silage Additives for the Supply of Beef Cattle

Selenium concentrations in herbage are frequently insufficient (< 100 μg Se/kg dry matter (DM)) to meet the requirements of ruminants. Whereas increasing Se supply by feeding mineral mixtures is a reliable method to prevent Se deficiencies for dairy cows, adequate Se supplementation is more difficult to achieve in extensive systems (McDowell, 1996). A suitable measure could be the addition of Se to herbage before ensiling.