Offered Papers Theme A: Efficient Production from Grassland


Earliness of oats and higher growth rate of annual ryegrass later in the season explain the higher forage yield of annual ryegrass+oats association over monocultures (Améndola & Morales, 1997). However, changes in yield components of the species grown in association compared to monoculture have not been explored. This study aimed to determine leaf, stem and dead matter yield in annual ryegrass and oats when grown in association and monoculture at different nitrogen (N) levels.



Yield Components in Annual Ryegrass and Oats Grown in Association and Monoculture

Earliness of oats and higher growth rate of annual ryegrass later in the season explain the higher forage yield of annual ryegrass+oats association over monocultures (Améndola & Morales, 1997). However, changes in yield components of the species grown in association compared to monoculture have not been explored. This study aimed to determine leaf, stem and dead matter yield in annual ryegrass and oats when grown in association and monoculture at different nitrogen (N) levels.