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Studies on the Distribution and Formation of the Meadows in China

Feng Guojun, Hulenbeir Grassland Institute
Zhang Xiujun, Zelimu Animal Husbandry College
Zhu Libuo, Hulenbeir Grassland Institute
Wei Shaocheng, Zelimu Animal Husbandry College
Zhang Yongliang, Zelimu Animal Husbandry College

Some Economics Problems of Range Resource Analysis in Free and Open Access Environment

E Tedonkeng Pamo, Universite de Dschang

Native Grasslands of Yugoslavia as a Potential for "Biologically High Quality Food" Production - To Be Preserved and Used for the Benefit of All

Djordjevic-Milosevic Suzana, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Negovanovic Dragan, Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Zakonovic Miodrag, Institute for the Science Applications in Agriculture, Belgrade

Data Requirements for Whole-Farm Economic Analysis of Grazing Alternatives

R O. Burton Jr, Kansas State University

The Transformation of Greek Grasslands Under the Impact of Socio-Economic Factors

R Thanopoulos, Agricultural Development Office of Granitsa

Formation and Development of the Center for Grassland Studies at the University of Nebraska

M A. Massengale, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Linking Grassland and Range National Goals with the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative for National Benefit

David B. Hannaway, Oregon State University
Walter F. Wedin, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Gerald W. Evers, Texas A&M University

The 'Pendulum Paradigm' - Trends in Nitrogen Fertilizer Use on Temperate Grass/ Clover Pastures

R J. Eckard, Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Science
F R. McKenzie, Department of Agriculture, Victoria
P A. Lane, University of Tasmania

Economics - The Neglected Dimension of Pasture Disease R&D

N D. MacLeod, CSIRO