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The effect of closing dates (Experiment 1: August 1, August 14 and September 18) and grass regrowth interval (Experiment 2) on herbage yield in the autumn/winter and in the following spring were investigated on a previously grazed Lolium perenne sward. In Experiment 1, similar yields were obtained for the August 1 and August 14 closing. Yields decreased and the proportion of dead material increased from 0.19 to 0.61 between mid-October and late- December. In Experiment 2, dry matter yield increased linearly (P < 0.05) with rest interval up to 7 wks in swards closed in September. There was no significant yield advantage for rest intervals greater than 5-6 wks. It is concluded that accumulated autumn and spring yields showed increased DM production with the shorter regrowth intervals.



Autumn Grass Growth- The Effect of Rest Interval

The effect of closing dates (Experiment 1: August 1, August 14 and September 18) and grass regrowth interval (Experiment 2) on herbage yield in the autumn/winter and in the following spring were investigated on a previously grazed Lolium perenne sward. In Experiment 1, similar yields were obtained for the August 1 and August 14 closing. Yields decreased and the proportion of dead material increased from 0.19 to 0.61 between mid-October and late- December. In Experiment 2, dry matter yield increased linearly (P < 0.05) with rest interval up to 7 wks in swards closed in September. There was no significant yield advantage for rest intervals greater than 5-6 wks. It is concluded that accumulated autumn and spring yields showed increased DM production with the shorter regrowth intervals.