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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how grasslands are used in the New York City (NYC) Watershed to improve water quality. A Watershed Agricultural Program was established to voluntarily implement Pollution Prevention Best Management Practices on watershed farms. Grasslands have been used in Whole Farm Plans to reduce nutrients, sediments and other toxic materials reaching New York City’s water supply. Rotational grazing has been used to limit access to streams and stream banks and improve nutrient distribution on pastures. Improved grassland management also helps correct the nutrient balance on the farm and facilitates better nutrient management. Brush removal on farms has enhanced nutrient distribution. Grasses are also used to filter out pollutants from barnyards, milkhouses and silos. Grasslands are effective in controlling erosion on highly erodable tilled land. A research project is underway on a grassland based dairy farm to assess the flow of nutrients and management needed to deal with the variation in pasture quantity and quality in supporting profitable levels of milk production.



The Use of Grasslands to Improve Water Quality in the New York City Watershed

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how grasslands are used in the New York City (NYC) Watershed to improve water quality. A Watershed Agricultural Program was established to voluntarily implement Pollution Prevention Best Management Practices on watershed farms. Grasslands have been used in Whole Farm Plans to reduce nutrients, sediments and other toxic materials reaching New York City’s water supply. Rotational grazing has been used to limit access to streams and stream banks and improve nutrient distribution on pastures. Improved grassland management also helps correct the nutrient balance on the farm and facilitates better nutrient management. Brush removal on farms has enhanced nutrient distribution. Grasses are also used to filter out pollutants from barnyards, milkhouses and silos. Grasslands are effective in controlling erosion on highly erodable tilled land. A research project is underway on a grassland based dairy farm to assess the flow of nutrients and management needed to deal with the variation in pasture quantity and quality in supporting profitable levels of milk production.