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The objective of the trial was to evaluate the influence of pasture interseeding with grasses and legumes on the forage production and liveweight gains by steers. Four year pastures were interseeded with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), brome (Bromus unioloides HBK.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). There were two treatments with two replications: interseeding and control, grazed by steers. For four periods forage availability did not show differences. Legume percentage was higher in interseeding. The animal daily gains were higher in the interseeded treatment in the first two periods, but decreased with time. Liveweight gains per hectare were higher for interseeding, showing the practice to be useful for our area.



Pasture Life Lengthening and Beef Production Increase Through Interseeding

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the influence of pasture interseeding with grasses and legumes on the forage production and liveweight gains by steers. Four year pastures were interseeded with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), brome (Bromus unioloides HBK.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). There were two treatments with two replications: interseeding and control, grazed by steers. For four periods forage availability did not show differences. Legume percentage was higher in interseeding. The animal daily gains were higher in the interseeded treatment in the first two periods, but decreased with time. Liveweight gains per hectare were higher for interseeding, showing the practice to be useful for our area.