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There is a large area in the coastal region of southern Chile affected by low productivity of soils and severe climatic limitations, which is owned mainly by small farmers. This research was conducted with dairy farmers producing an average of 20,000 liters/year whose main problem is cattle underfeeding because of severe seasonal cycles in pasture growth and extended overgrazing of natural grasslands of low production potential. Silphium perfoliatum L. is a perennial forage species that grows well during the summer period when grasslands have stopped their growth due to moisture stress and high temperatures. Based on the agronomic results and direct on-farm research experience with small farmers, this new species was evaluated as a supplement for summer feeding of milking cows. It was found that a small surface sown with Silphium perfoliatum L. can increase milk production by almost 50% and that the ratio of marginal income to marginal cost is 3.5. It has low capital and labor requirements and the wide range of sites where it is adapted insures low production risk.



Productivity of Silphium perfoliatum L. in Low Input Agricultural Systems

There is a large area in the coastal region of southern Chile affected by low productivity of soils and severe climatic limitations, which is owned mainly by small farmers. This research was conducted with dairy farmers producing an average of 20,000 liters/year whose main problem is cattle underfeeding because of severe seasonal cycles in pasture growth and extended overgrazing of natural grasslands of low production potential. Silphium perfoliatum L. is a perennial forage species that grows well during the summer period when grasslands have stopped their growth due to moisture stress and high temperatures. Based on the agronomic results and direct on-farm research experience with small farmers, this new species was evaluated as a supplement for summer feeding of milking cows. It was found that a small surface sown with Silphium perfoliatum L. can increase milk production by almost 50% and that the ratio of marginal income to marginal cost is 3.5. It has low capital and labor requirements and the wide range of sites where it is adapted insures low production risk.