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A trial has been carried out for four years, in a hilly area of Central Italy, on five covers concerning three different productive systems: traditional system based on the rotation of Medicago sativa and barley; low input system based on permanent association of grasses and legumes; annual self-reseeding legumes used as cover crop in vineyard. The pasture had the higher run-off but also the lower soil erosion thanks to the high number of plants per square metre which were able to hold the soil particles. The inherbment of the vineyard prevented greater soil erosion commonly known in cultivated grooves.



Effects of Forage Cover on Run-Off and Soil Losses in Different Productive Systems in Central Italy

A trial has been carried out for four years, in a hilly area of Central Italy, on five covers concerning three different productive systems: traditional system based on the rotation of Medicago sativa and barley; low input system based on permanent association of grasses and legumes; annual self-reseeding legumes used as cover crop in vineyard. The pasture had the higher run-off but also the lower soil erosion thanks to the high number of plants per square metre which were able to hold the soil particles. The inherbment of the vineyard prevented greater soil erosion commonly known in cultivated grooves.