Variation in the Stylosanthes Anthracnose Pathogen: Implications for Australian Cultivars Sukumar Chakraborty, CSIRO |
G E. Gabutti, F.I.C.E.S-U.N.S.L. |
Insecticidal Activity of N-Formylloline D L. Dahlman, University of Kentucky |
J A. Oliveira, Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo |
Appearance and Movement of Fungal Endophyte in Annual Ryegrass L R. Nelson, Texas A&M |
Impact of Virus Resistance on White Clover Persistence and Productivity G A. Pederson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Indicators of Pathogen Potential of Pasture Soils R A. Skipp, Grassland Research Centre |
Screening Tropical Forage Grasses for Resistance to the Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) J R. Valerio, EMBRAPA/CNPGC |
Acremonium-Endophytes of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in France C Ravel, INRA |
C Ravel, INRA |
O Y. Romero, Carillanca Regional Centre |
Winterkill Potential of Alfalfa Under Different Snow Depths R H. Leep, Michigan State University |
The Accession of Grassy Weed Seeds into the Soil Seedbank of Grasslands R.D B. Whalley, University of New England |
E Torres, INIA |
W Schoberlein, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg |
Foliar Blight of Centrosema pubescens (Benth) at Ibadan in the Lowland Humid Tropics L Ezenwa, University of Ibadan |
Predicting Forage Production from Pasture by use of the Delphi Technique E Hovingh, University of Prince Edward Island |
Gene Transfer of Ryegrasses: Down-Regulation of Major Pollen Allergens in Transgenic Plants X L. Wu, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne |
The Drought Resistance Mechanism of Phalaris Arundinacea L. Qi Guang, Zhelimu Animal Husbandry College |