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The sculptured seeding technique, an ecological approach to revegetation based on a knowledge and understanding of the natural vegetation of an area, establishes a diverse, effective native plant community capable of regeneration and plant succession. It is intended to match site capability with plant species known to thrive under particular conditions. Sculptured seeding is an option available to land managers interested in establishing and maintaining adapted native species and ecotypes within the limits of current technology and available seed sources. Field procedures for sculptured seedings are quite simple, involving only minor modifications to standard planting methodology. Seed mixtures based on range site capability of the revegetation site, must be assembled prior to the planting season. Planting zones must be delineated before seeding begins. Seed hill tops first, then move to the headlands. In most fields, only 10-15% more time is required for sculptured seeding versus regular seeding.
Jacobson, E T.; Wark, D B.; Arnott, R G.; Haas, R J.; and Tober, D A., "Sculpted Seeding: A Plant Community Approach to Revegitation" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 6.
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Sculpted Seeding: A Plant Community Approach to Revegitation
The sculptured seeding technique, an ecological approach to revegetation based on a knowledge and understanding of the natural vegetation of an area, establishes a diverse, effective native plant community capable of regeneration and plant succession. It is intended to match site capability with plant species known to thrive under particular conditions. Sculptured seeding is an option available to land managers interested in establishing and maintaining adapted native species and ecotypes within the limits of current technology and available seed sources. Field procedures for sculptured seedings are quite simple, involving only minor modifications to standard planting methodology. Seed mixtures based on range site capability of the revegetation site, must be assembled prior to the planting season. Planting zones must be delineated before seeding begins. Seed hill tops first, then move to the headlands. In most fields, only 10-15% more time is required for sculptured seeding versus regular seeding.