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Fertilization may have a positive effect in improving forage quantity and quality in natural meadows of Tierra del Fuego. The objective of the present study was to estimate N-P-S fertilizer effects on forage quality. The trial was set up in 1994 on an Entic Haploborol soil characterized by low P availability (12 ppm, Truog), high N content (1.5% total N) and medium acudity (pH 5.9). A Complete Randomized Split Plot Design was used and N-P2O5-S nutrients were applied at a rate of 120-100-50 kg.ha-1 . Monthly mowing began in January and finished in April 1995. CP and IVDMD were determined. CP content was significatively higher for any of the N-treatments, but no P or S effects were found. Within harvest dates, January and February differed from March and April. No interactions were found between fertilizer treatments and harvest dates.



N-P-S Fertilizer Effects on Brute Protein Content in a Native Meadow in Tierra Del Fuego

Fertilization may have a positive effect in improving forage quantity and quality in natural meadows of Tierra del Fuego. The objective of the present study was to estimate N-P-S fertilizer effects on forage quality. The trial was set up in 1994 on an Entic Haploborol soil characterized by low P availability (12 ppm, Truog), high N content (1.5% total N) and medium acudity (pH 5.9). A Complete Randomized Split Plot Design was used and N-P2O5-S nutrients were applied at a rate of 120-100-50 kg.ha-1 . Monthly mowing began in January and finished in April 1995. CP and IVDMD were determined. CP content was significatively higher for any of the N-treatments, but no P or S effects were found. Within harvest dates, January and February differed from March and April. No interactions were found between fertilizer treatments and harvest dates.