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The effects of cutting height and harvesting times on the forage yield, yield components and quality of Tangoio hybrid willow and Kinuyanagi willow were examined, to evaluate these willows as drought fodder for sheep. Tangoio (3.8 tDM/ha) outyielded Kinuyanagi (3 tDM/ha) in edible forage production and provided reasonable quality fodder (nitrogen content of 2.0 % and digestibility of 65 -69 %). The high edible forage yield of the willows relative to pasture (0.8 tDM/ha) during January and April showed that they provided potentially valuable supplements to pasture production. The willows, especially Tangoio, are recommended for use as maintenance fodder for summer droughts.



Use of Willows (Salix spp) as Drought Fodder for Sheep

The effects of cutting height and harvesting times on the forage yield, yield components and quality of Tangoio hybrid willow and Kinuyanagi willow were examined, to evaluate these willows as drought fodder for sheep. Tangoio (3.8 tDM/ha) outyielded Kinuyanagi (3 tDM/ha) in edible forage production and provided reasonable quality fodder (nitrogen content of 2.0 % and digestibility of 65 -69 %). The high edible forage yield of the willows relative to pasture (0.8 tDM/ha) during January and April showed that they provided potentially valuable supplements to pasture production. The willows, especially Tangoio, are recommended for use as maintenance fodder for summer droughts.