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The taxonomic position of the endemic Lolium canariense within the genus Lolium has been Investigated by starch gel electrophoresis of 7 isozyme loci. Preliminary results show that L. canariense is preferentially autogamous, with an outcrossing rate of 0.08-0.16. II displays an average gene diversity of intermediate value between that of the strict inbreeder L. persicum and those of the outbreeders L. perenne, L. multiflorum and L. rlgidum. The hierarchical clustering from Nei's genetic distance (Genelics 1978) suggests that L. canariense is clearly differentiated from the group of outbreeding species
Oliveira, J A.; Charmet, G; Balfourier, F; and Ravel, C, "Lolium canariense: An Endemic Ryegrass from Canary Islands" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 4.
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Lolium canariense: An Endemic Ryegrass from Canary Islands
The taxonomic position of the endemic Lolium canariense within the genus Lolium has been Investigated by starch gel electrophoresis of 7 isozyme loci. Preliminary results show that L. canariense is preferentially autogamous, with an outcrossing rate of 0.08-0.16. II displays an average gene diversity of intermediate value between that of the strict inbreeder L. persicum and those of the outbreeders L. perenne, L. multiflorum and L. rlgidum. The hierarchical clustering from Nei's genetic distance (Genelics 1978) suggests that L. canariense is clearly differentiated from the group of outbreeding species