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Most tropical pastures are associated with and confined to smaJlholder animal production in developing countries of the tropics, with the exception of Australia. At present, tropical pasture seeds are very variable and poor in quality, as tropical herbage seed production is relatively new compared with that for temperate systems. Many tropical species are relatively wild and have yet to be domesticated and selected for pasture use, let alone for seed production characteristics. The unfavourable production and storage environment of the wet tropics, coupled with a lack of appropriate technology, also contributes towards poor quality in tropical pasture seeds. In this paper the importance of seed quality for tropical pastures is emphasised and factors affecting this quality illustrated. Farmers, seedsmen, breeders and seed bank managers will benefit from improvement in the general level of seed quality. Every stage of seed production, processing and quality control must be examined to ensure improvement in the quality of tropical pasture seeds.



Importance of Tropical Pasture Seed Quality and Factors Affecting it in Smallholder Farming System

Most tropical pastures are associated with and confined to smaJlholder animal production in developing countries of the tropics, with the exception of Australia. At present, tropical pasture seeds are very variable and poor in quality, as tropical herbage seed production is relatively new compared with that for temperate systems. Many tropical species are relatively wild and have yet to be domesticated and selected for pasture use, let alone for seed production characteristics. The unfavourable production and storage environment of the wet tropics, coupled with a lack of appropriate technology, also contributes towards poor quality in tropical pasture seeds. In this paper the importance of seed quality for tropical pastures is emphasised and factors affecting this quality illustrated. Farmers, seedsmen, breeders and seed bank managers will benefit from improvement in the general level of seed quality. Every stage of seed production, processing and quality control must be examined to ensure improvement in the quality of tropical pasture seeds.