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Seed production is a key factor for successful and increased agricultural production both in favourable and unfavourable environments. In many developing countries, seed production in general, and forage seed production in particular, have often been neglected. As n result, very litlle information exists in this area. This study was carried out to assess forage seed production and perspectives in Cameroon. The findings indicate that large quantities of forage seed have been introduced in Cameroon but very little has reached the farmers because of political nnd institutional problems and lack of extension assistance at farm level. This points to a necessity lo review the objectives and redefine agricultural priorities at both national and international levels.



Some Problems Hindering Forage Seed Production in Cameroon

Seed production is a key factor for successful and increased agricultural production both in favourable and unfavourable environments. In many developing countries, seed production in general, and forage seed production in particular, have often been neglected. As n result, very litlle information exists in this area. This study was carried out to assess forage seed production and perspectives in Cameroon. The findings indicate that large quantities of forage seed have been introduced in Cameroon but very little has reached the farmers because of political nnd institutional problems and lack of extension assistance at farm level. This points to a necessity lo review the objectives and redefine agricultural priorities at both national and international levels.