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An economically stable management strategy must deal with year-to­year variability in forage supply, caused by weather variability or the attacks of pests and diseases, and variability in livestock prices, interest mies and other financial factors. The STEERISK spreadsheet calculates probabilities of different levels of forage production; optimum stocking rate and steer gains at each level; returns to land, labour and management at current costs and prices as input by the user; and gains and profits at any stocking rate chosen by the user. The SPUR2 model was used to parameterise STEERISK for three Major Land Resource Areas (MLRAs) on rangeland, differing widely in climate and vegetation. SPUR2 can be used to parameterise STEERlS K for any of the S 1 MLRAs on rangeland in the western USA. The cattle producer can use the parameteris"d STEBRISK (STEBRISKIER; STBBRISK Intended for Every Region) to develop a management strategy that maximises returns and economic stability, which in most cases will also insure ecological stability,



Managing for Economic and Ecological Stability of Range and Range-Improved Grassland Systems with the SPUR2 Model and the Steeriskier Spreadsheet

An economically stable management strategy must deal with year-to­year variability in forage supply, caused by weather variability or the attacks of pests and diseases, and variability in livestock prices, interest mies and other financial factors. The STEERISK spreadsheet calculates probabilities of different levels of forage production; optimum stocking rate and steer gains at each level; returns to land, labour and management at current costs and prices as input by the user; and gains and profits at any stocking rate chosen by the user. The SPUR2 model was used to parameterise STEERISK for three Major Land Resource Areas (MLRAs) on rangeland, differing widely in climate and vegetation. SPUR2 can be used to parameterise STEERlS K for any of the S 1 MLRAs on rangeland in the western USA. The cattle producer can use the parameteris"d STEBRISK (STEBRISKIER; STBBRISK Intended for Every Region) to develop a management strategy that maximises returns and economic stability, which in most cases will also insure ecological stability,