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Severe symptoms (e.g., reddening, yellowing and necrosis) pointed to Mg deficiency as the main cause of poor white clover (Trifolium repens) growth on Hapludult soil in subtropical Guangdong Province, China. A field study was conducted lo measure clover response to Mg fertiliser and interactions with lime. Soil at Lechang Model Cattle Farm was highly acid (pH •)=4.3; Al saturation=85%) and low in­ exchangeable Mg (0.06 Cme./100 g). Mg fertiliser (>100 kg Mg/ha) doubled exchangeable Mg, but Al saturation remained above 75%. Liming at 4 t/ha increased exchangeable Ca IO-fold and reduced Al saturation to



Response of White Clover to Lime and Magnesium on Infertile Acid Soil in Subtropical China

Severe symptoms (e.g., reddening, yellowing and necrosis) pointed to Mg deficiency as the main cause of poor white clover (Trifolium repens) growth on Hapludult soil in subtropical Guangdong Province, China. A field study was conducted lo measure clover response to Mg fertiliser and interactions with lime. Soil at Lechang Model Cattle Farm was highly acid (pH •)=4.3; Al saturation=85%) and low in­ exchangeable Mg (0.06 Cme./100 g). Mg fertiliser (>100 kg Mg/ha) doubled exchangeable Mg, but Al saturation remained above 75%. Liming at 4 t/ha increased exchangeable Ca IO-fold and reduced Al saturation to