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Lactating cows were assigned in a random block design to 6 treatments in a 3x2 factorial arrangement: 3 growth stages pre-bud (PB), 10% flower ( I OPP) and 50% flower (50PF), leaving 2 post-grazing residuals, high (HR) and low (LR).· Treatments were evaluated in 2 seasons, November-January (Sl) and January-March (S2). Forty-eight cows were used in each of the two seasons. During Sl milk production per cow (kg/day) was 20.0, 18,9 and 17.2 for PB, IOPF and 50PF for low residuals and 19.5; 19.8 and 20.3 for high residuals, respectively. For S2 milk production was lower but followed similar trends. Effect of growth stage, residual dry matter and season were significant (P<0.05). Milk production ranged from 11800 for 50PF (HR) to 15 900 kg/ha for PB (LR). Production/ha was lower with HR than with LR. The best treatment was used to develop a milk production system based on lucerne for grazing and haying, corn silage and concentrates.



Use of Irrigated Lucerne at Different Growth Stages II. Utilization for Milk Production

Lactating cows were assigned in a random block design to 6 treatments in a 3x2 factorial arrangement: 3 growth stages pre-bud (PB), 10% flower ( I OPP) and 50% flower (50PF), leaving 2 post-grazing residuals, high (HR) and low (LR).· Treatments were evaluated in 2 seasons, November-January (Sl) and January-March (S2). Forty-eight cows were used in each of the two seasons. During Sl milk production per cow (kg/day) was 20.0, 18,9 and 17.2 for PB, IOPF and 50PF for low residuals and 19.5; 19.8 and 20.3 for high residuals, respectively. For S2 milk production was lower but followed similar trends. Effect of growth stage, residual dry matter and season were significant (P<0.05). Milk production ranged from 11800 for 50PF (HR) to 15 900 kg/ha for PB (LR). Production/ha was lower with HR than with LR. The best treatment was used to develop a milk production system based on lucerne for grazing and haying, corn silage and concentrates.