Trends in Intensive Temperate Grassland Systems J D. Leaver, University of London - Wye College |
Pedro O. Gomez, INTA |
Experience with Grazing Geese on Pasture G Nacy, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences |
Tumen Wuliji, AgResearch, NZ |
Berseem Clover: A New Forage For Dairying in Mexico Hector M. Quiroga-Garza, INIFAP |
Maximizing Red Deer Venison Production Through High Quality Pasture W F. Hunt, AgResearch, NZ |
K L. Macmillan, Ruakura Agricultural Centre |
Influence of Renovation of Old Fescue Pasture on Beef Production J A. Josifovich, INTA |
Development of Specialist Forage Systems for Deer Production T N. Barry, Massey University |
Digestion and Rumen Metabolism of Forages by Red Deer, Goats and Sheep T N. Barry, Massey University |
Role of Pasture Composition and Grazing Management in Affecting the Incidence of Bloat on Farms V R. Carruthers, Ruakura Agricultural Centre |
Use of Irrigated Lucerne at Different Growth Stages II. Utilization for Milk Production Ernesto John, Quilamapu Experimental Station |
Intensive Lucerne Production in Washington William P. Ford, Washington State University |
United States Forage Exports to Japan and Korea William P. Ford, Washington State University |
Development of a Genotype for Out-of-Season Lambing J F. Smith, AgResearch, NZ |
S Fitzgerald, Moorepark Research Centre |
Use of Italian Ryegrass to Increase Feed Production from Dairy Pastures in Northern New Zealand E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation |
Mixed Herb Ley No Advantage Over Ryegrass-White Clover Pasture for Early Lamb Growth I Popay, AgResearch, NZ |
Breeding to Reduce Susceptibility to Bloat in Dairy Cattle C A. Morris, AgResearch, NZ |
Direct Drilling Forage Maize into Dairy Pastures in South-Eastern Australia K E. Pritchard, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture |
H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO |
H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO |
Flood-Tolerant Pastures for Dairying in Northland P W. Woods, AgResearch, NZ |
I Vinczeffy, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences |
Effect of Grazing Order on Live-Weight Gain of Young Female Beef Cattle Jose Fernando Piva Lobato, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Choosing a Forage System for the Future in Dairying Production in the Western Part of France Eric P. Gendron, Chambre d' Agriculture |
Viability of Grass-White Clover Swards for Dairying Production in the UK J A. Bax, SAC |