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Trends in Intensive Temperate Grassland Systems

J D. Leaver, University of London - Wye College
F Weissbach, FAL

Opportunities and Constraints for Production of Marketable Products from Temperate Grassland Systems with Minimal Financial Inputs

Pedro O. Gomez, INTA
Ernesto John, INIA

Experience with Grazing Geese on Pasture

G Nacy, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences
S Mihok, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences

Alpaca Fibre Production, Fibre Growth Seasonality and Fibre Characteristics Variation in a Cool-Temperate Environment of New Zealand

Tumen Wuliji, AgResearch, NZ

Berseem Clover: A New Forage For Dairying in Mexico

Hector M. Quiroga-Garza, INIFAP
Jose S. Cueto-Wong, INIFAP
Julio Jimenez-Aceves, INIFAP

Maximizing Red Deer Venison Production Through High Quality Pasture

W F. Hunt, AgResearch, NZ

Some Effects of Sole Pasture Diets on Reproductive Performance of Lactating Cows in Seasonal Dairy Herds

K L. Macmillan, Ruakura Agricultural Centre
S McDougall, Ruakura Agricultural Centre

Influence of Renovation of Old Fescue Pasture on Beef Production

J A. Josifovich, INTA

Development of Specialist Forage Systems for Deer Production

T N. Barry, Massey University
J H. Niezen, AgResearch, NZ
G Semiadi, Massey University
J Hodgson, Massey University
P R. Wilson, Massey University
A M. Ataja, Massey University

Digestion and Rumen Metabolism of Forages by Red Deer, Goats and Sheep

T N. Barry, Massey University
B M.F Dominngue, University of Mauritius
D O. Freudenberger, CSIRO

Role of Pasture Composition and Grazing Management in Affecting the Incidence of Bloat on Farms

V R. Carruthers, Ruakura Agricultural Centre
G J. Brier, AgResearch, NZ
H V. Henderson, AgResearch, NZ
J.A S. Lancaster, Taranaki Research Station
D A. McCallum, Dairying Research Corporation

Use of Irrigated Lucerne at Different Growth Stages II. Utilization for Milk Production

Ernesto John, Quilamapu Experimental Station
Agustin Vidal, INIA
Fernando Baez, INIA
Patricio Soto, INIA

Intensive Lucerne Production in Washington

William P. Ford, Washington State University
Dayid W. Evans, Washington State University

United States Forage Exports to Japan and Korea

William P. Ford, Washington State University

Development of a Genotype for Out-of-Season Lambing

J F. Smith, AgResearch, NZ
D L. Johnson, AgResearch, NZ
T C. Reid, Lincoln University

Effect of a Reduction in Concentrate Price on Feed Costs and its Implication for Grass Silage in the Diet of Lactating Dairy Cows

S Fitzgerald, Moorepark Research Centre

Use of Italian Ryegrass to Increase Feed Production from Dairy Pastures in Northern New Zealand

E R. Thom, Dairying Research Corporation
R A. Prestidge, AgResearch, NZ

Mixed Herb Ley No Advantage Over Ryegrass-White Clover Pasture for Early Lamb Growth

I Popay, AgResearch, NZ
W Stiefel, AgResearch, NZ

Breeding to Reduce Susceptibility to Bloat in Dairy Cattle

C A. Morris, AgResearch, NZ
R J. Wilkins, AgResearch, NZ

Direct Drilling Forage Maize into Dairy Pastures in South-Eastern Australia

K E. Pritchard, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture

Effect of Seasonal Variation in the Fractionation Pattern of Lucerne Selected for Commercial Crop Processing in Australia

H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO
C J. Pearson, The University of Sydney
L M. Shields, The University of Sydney

Selecting Lucerne Cultivars for Commercial Crop Processing and Fractionation in New South Wales, Australia

H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO
F Falconer, NSW Agriculture

Flood-Tolerant Pastures for Dairying in Northland

P W. Woods, AgResearch, NZ
J N. Couchman, AgResearch, NZ
A O. Taylor, HortResearch, NZ

Animal Keeping by Grazing

I Vinczeffy, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences
M Kota, Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences

Effect of Grazing Order on Live-Weight Gain of Young Female Beef Cattle

Jose Fernando Piva Lobato, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Blas H.J Cristaldo Albospino, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Fernando Rigo Magalhaves, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Assan Ali Taher, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Choosing a Forage System for the Future in Dairying Production in the Western Part of France

Eric P. Gendron, Chambre d' Agriculture

Viability of Grass-White Clover Swards for Dairying Production in the UK

J A. Bax, SAC
G.E J. Fisher, Auchincruive