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The micro-organism activities and enzymatic activities were studied in the soil of 3 degenerative grasslands (Kobresia pygmaea meadow, Festuca sinensis meadow and Dasiphora fruticosa shrub) near Ruoergai Grassland Station in Sichuan, China, Main results show that soil biochemical activities have been decreasing as the grassland degenerates, especially cellulose decomposition, nitrogen fixation, phenol decomposition, protease, cellulase and sucrase.



Studies on Soil Biochemical Activities of Sub-Coryphile Meadow in Qing-Tibet Plateau

The micro-organism activities and enzymatic activities were studied in the soil of 3 degenerative grasslands (Kobresia pygmaea meadow, Festuca sinensis meadow and Dasiphora fruticosa shrub) near Ruoergai Grassland Station in Sichuan, China, Main results show that soil biochemical activities have been decreasing as the grassland degenerates, especially cellulose decomposition, nitrogen fixation, phenol decomposition, protease, cellulase and sucrase.