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The disappearance of dry matter from herbage incubated in nylon bags in the rumen of fistulated dairy cows over 4 h (initial rate of digestion, IRD) was measured in order to assess the relative bloat potential of several legume species and cultivars. The IRD was least for the non­bloating Lotus pedunculatus and highest for Trifolium pratense and Medicago saliva, species known to cause bloat. The IRD of Trifolium repens cultivars was highest for Sabeda and least for Blanca, 6 other cultivars being intermediate and similar. These differences in IRD between cultivars indicates variation in bloat potential and the possibility of selecting for reduced bloat severity. The effect of plant maturity on IRD was examined for 3 species. The IRD declined with increased plant maturity, the effect being greatest for M. saliva and T. pratense, and least for T. repens. Thus, bloat potential may decrease with increasing maturity of bloat-potent species.



Effects of Cultivar and Stage of Growth of Legumes on the Rate of Digestion in Cow Rumen and Relative Potential for Reducing Bloat

The disappearance of dry matter from herbage incubated in nylon bags in the rumen of fistulated dairy cows over 4 h (initial rate of digestion, IRD) was measured in order to assess the relative bloat potential of several legume species and cultivars. The IRD was least for the non­bloating Lotus pedunculatus and highest for Trifolium pratense and Medicago saliva, species known to cause bloat. The IRD of Trifolium repens cultivars was highest for Sabeda and least for Blanca, 6 other cultivars being intermediate and similar. These differences in IRD between cultivars indicates variation in bloat potential and the possibility of selecting for reduced bloat severity. The effect of plant maturity on IRD was examined for 3 species. The IRD declined with increased plant maturity, the effect being greatest for M. saliva and T. pratense, and least for T. repens. Thus, bloat potential may decrease with increasing maturity of bloat-potent species.