Influence of Sward Height on the Mechanics of Grazing and Intake Rate by Racehorses
T P. Hughes, Lincoln University
J R. Gallagher, The University of Adelaide
Pasture Production of Annual, Hybrid and Perennial Ryegrasses in Cool and Warm Temperature Climates
D E. Hume, AgResearch, NZ
M J. Hickey, AgResearch, NZ
Herbage and Animal Production from Tall Fescue- and Ryegrass-Based Pastures in a Summer-Dry Environment
D E. Hume, AgResearch, NZ
R.J M. Hay, AgResearch, NZ
T B. Lyons, AgResearch, NZ
Integrated Grazing of Goats with Sheep or Cattle on Continuously Grazed Pasture
A M. Nicol, Lincoln University
A.J F. Russel, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
I A. Wright, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Crop Processing and Fractionation as a Commercial Proposition to Forage-Based Animal Systems
H T. Ostrowski-Meissner, CSIRO
Quantification of Nutrients Consumed and Utilized by Holstein Cows Grazing Grass Pastures in the North-Eastern USA
Lisa A. Holden, The Pennsylvania State University
L D. Muller, The Pennsylvania State University
G A. Varga, The Pennsylvania State University
S L. Fales, The Pennsylvania State University
Adaptation of Some Grass Species to Grazing
Marc Ghesquiere, INRA
J C. Emile, INRA
X Charrier, INRA
R Traineau, INRA
Effect of Percentages Calluna vulgaris Cover and Cow and Ewe Physiological Status on Animal Production on Mountain Pastures
K Osoro, Instituto de Experimentacion y Promocion Agraria Apdo
R Celaya, Instituto de Experimentacion y Promocion Agraria Apdo
Mamen Olivan, Instituto de Experimentacion y Promocion Agraria Apdo
Selection pattern of Holstein-Zebu cows grazing stoloniferous and tufted type tropical grasses in a cafeteria type trial
Francise E. Davis, Livestock Research Sub-Division
Intensive Grazing Systems and Methods for Beef Cattle
V G. Allen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
J P. Fontenot, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M A. Cochran, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
A Brock, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
W Mcclure, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
J Wilkins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Intensive Grazing of High Producing Holstein Cows: Milk Production, Forage Utilization and Profit Potential at Three Stocking Rates
S L. Fales, The Pennsylvania State University
L D. Muller, The Pennsylvania State University
M O'Sullivan, The Pennsylvania State University
L E. Lanyon, The Pennsylvania State University
R J. Hoover, The Pennsylvania State University
L A. Holden, The Pennsylvania State University
Grazing System and Grazing Pressure Effects on Herbage and Lamb Production from Subclover Interseeded Annual Grassland
Thomas C. Griggs, University of Idaho
Milton B. Jones, University of California, Davis
Montague W. Demment, University of California, Davis
Evaluating Livestock Selling Strategies Based on Forage Availability
Lucas D. Parsch, University of Arkansas
W M. Watts, University of Arkansas
O J. Loewer, University of Florida
P L. Luster, Bradley University
Effects of Increasing Stocking Rate and Feeding Maize Silage on Live-Weight Gain and Pasture Utilization by Beef Cattle in Southern Australia
W J. Wales, Kyabram Research Centre
J B. Moran, Kyabram Research Centre
A Response of Angora-Type Goats to Increases of Legume and Chicory Content in Mixed Pastures
D R. Stevens, AgResearch, NZ
M J. Casey, AgResearch, NZ
G S. Baxter, AgResearch, NZ
K B. Miller, AgResearch, NZ
Seasonal Herbage Intake of Once-Bred Heifers
A A. Khadem, Massey University
S T. Morris, Massey University
W J. Parker, Massey University
R W. Purchas, Massey University
S N. McCutcheon, Massey University
Effect of Sward Surgace Height on Herbage Intake, Grazing Behavior and Productivity of Ewes Lambing in June (winter) or August (Spring)
S T. Morris, Massey University
W J. Parker, Massey University
H T. Blair, Massey University
S N. McCutcheon, Massey University
Economics of Milk Production from Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars with Different Seasonal Growth Patterns
I M. Brookes, Massey University
A F. McRae, Massey University
D I. Gray, Massey University
N Cameron, Massey University
A Management System for the Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation of Farmlet Trials
D I. Gray, Massey University
A D. Mackay, AgResearch, NZ
P J. Budding, AgResearch, NZ
I M. Brookes, Massey University
System Research: Preliminary Results from a Farmlet Comparison Between a Biological and Conventional Sheep and Beef System
A D. Mackay, AgResearch, NZ
D I. Gray, AgResearch, NZ
I M. Brookes, Massey University
P J. Budding, AgResearch, NZ
B Devantier, AgResearch, NZ
Improved Pasture Species, Fertilizer and Pasture Use to Increase the Productivity of Wool Sheep in South-Western Victoria
G R. Saul, Department of Food and Agriculture
D Jowett, Department of Food and Agriculture
T Morgan, Department of Food and Agriculture
P Noble, Department of Food and Agriculture
D Borg, Department of Food and Agriculture
Hay Supplementation and Stocking Rate Effects on Live Weight Gain of Steers Grazing Rye and Ryegrass
Susan E. Sladden, Auburn University
David I. Bransby, Auburn University
Integrating Pasture Technology Research with Farm Management
R T. Cowan, QDPI
T M. Davison, QDPI
K F. Lowe, QDPI
G K. Reason, QDPI
G D. Chopping, QDPI
Interactions of Rotational and Continuous Grazing with Stocking Rate on Warm and Cool-Season Pastures
David I. Bransby, Auburn University
Use of Brassica Forage Crops to Extend the Grazing Season in the North-East USA
G A. Jung, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
H W. Harpster, The Penn State University
M G. Lambert, AgResearch, NZ
K T. Leath, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
R A. Byers, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Improved Grazing Systems for Lamb Production on Appalachian Hill Farms
R L. Reid, West Virginia University
J R. Puoli, West Virginia University
G A. Jung, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
D P. Belesky, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Development of Grass-Clover Grazing Systems for Autumn-Calving Beef Cows. II. Cow-Calf Production and Economic Analysis
D G. Morrison, Louisiana State University
J I. Feazel, Louisiana State University
G D. Mooso, Louisiana State University
Development of Grass-Clover Pasture Systems for Autumn-Calving Beef Cows. I. Forage Production
G D. Mooso, Louisiana State University
D G. Morrison, Louisiana State University
J I. Feazel, Louisiana State University
D R. Morris, Louisiana State University
Modification of the Botanical Composition of Perennial and Annual Temperate Pastures by Strategic Grazing Practices
D R. Kemp, NSW Agriculture
P M. Dowling, NSW Agriculture
Variance Across Years in Growth of Cattle on Annual Pastures in a Mediterranean Climate
K D. Greathead, Albany Department of Agriculture
J Zorrilla Rios, Bunbury Department of Agriculture
Intensive Grazing of Alfalfa by Beef Steers
M Rasnake, University of Kentucky
W R. Burris, University of Kentucky
G D. Lacefield, University of Kentucky
J Randolph, University of Kentucky
N Gay, University of Kentucky
L Davis, Tennessee Valley Authority
Management of Extensive Pastures for Dairy Youngstock
G.E J. Fisher, The Scottish Agricultural College
D J. Roberts, Chrichton Royal Farm
An Analysis of the Dry Matter Intake and Rate of Live-Weight Gain of Growing Cattle Fed Forage Diets
J G. Buchanan-Smith, University of Guelph
The Ecology of Grazing Management
R K. Heitschmidt, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Development of Intensive Grassland Systems: From Science to Practice
D G. McCall, AgResearch, NZ
G W. Sheath, AgResearch, NZ