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Fungi isolated from roots of legumes from pasture soil were applied to seeds of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on water agar in Petri plates in a seedling screening test designed to detect antagonism to the fungal pathogens Fusarium solani, Trichrocadium basicola and a Pythium sp. Isolates of Triclroderma koningii, T. /ramatum, a binucleate Rhizoc1011ia sp. or an unidentified basidiomycete protected seedling roots from damage by one or more of the fungal pathogens. Fungi isolated from cysts of the plant-parasitic nematode Helerodera trifolii obtained from pasture soil were tested for their ability to infect eggs of H. trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla. All 12 fungi tested infected eggs of both nematodes. These results suggest that the rhlzosphere of pasture legumes and nematode cysts could be useful sources of potential biocontrol agents for root pathogens of pasture plants.



Screening for Biological Control Agents of Root Pathogens of Pasture Legumes

Fungi isolated from roots of legumes from pasture soil were applied to seeds of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on water agar in Petri plates in a seedling screening test designed to detect antagonism to the fungal pathogens Fusarium solani, Trichrocadium basicola and a Pythium sp. Isolates of Triclroderma koningii, T. /ramatum, a binucleate Rhizoc1011ia sp. or an unidentified basidiomycete protected seedling roots from damage by one or more of the fungal pathogens. Fungi isolated from cysts of the plant-parasitic nematode Helerodera trifolii obtained from pasture soil were tested for their ability to infect eggs of H. trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla. All 12 fungi tested infected eggs of both nematodes. These results suggest that the rhlzosphere of pasture legumes and nematode cysts could be useful sources of potential biocontrol agents for root pathogens of pasture plants.