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Treatment of seed with thiram or thiophanate methyl at a rate of 3 g ai/kg seed increased germination of crownvetch (Coro11illa varia L.), milkvetch (Astragalus ads11rge11s Pall.), sainfoin (011obrycl1is viciifolia Scop.) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.) in laboratory tests. The magnitude of the increases varied with fungicide and species. The greatest increase in germination relativ!) to that of untreated seed was 115% for sainfoin dusted with thiophanate methyl. Thiophanate methyl increased field emergence of sainfoin at 4 and 8 weeks after sowing by 41% and 55% respectively, and at 8 weeks increased the dry weights of shoots and roots per plot by 119 and 139% respectively. Other fungicide treatments (i.e., thiram, melalaxyl, chlorothalonil, or carbendazim) did not affect emergence or plant dry weights significantly.



Effects of Fungicide Seed Treatments on Germination and Establishment of Sainfoin and Other Legumes

Treatment of seed with thiram or thiophanate methyl at a rate of 3 g ai/kg seed increased germination of crownvetch (Coro11illa varia L.), milkvetch (Astragalus ads11rge11s Pall.), sainfoin (011obrycl1is viciifolia Scop.) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.) in laboratory tests. The magnitude of the increases varied with fungicide and species. The greatest increase in germination relativ!) to that of untreated seed was 115% for sainfoin dusted with thiophanate methyl. Thiophanate methyl increased field emergence of sainfoin at 4 and 8 weeks after sowing by 41% and 55% respectively, and at 8 weeks increased the dry weights of shoots and roots per plot by 119 and 139% respectively. Other fungicide treatments (i.e., thiram, melalaxyl, chlorothalonil, or carbendazim) did not affect emergence or plant dry weights significantly.