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Application of Dairy Manure on Alfalfa

Stephen J. Herbert, University of Massachusetts
Jayarm Daliparthy, University of Massachusetts
P L.M Veneman, University of Massachusetts

Sustainable Direction for Resource Management an Assessment of the Regional Council Role

Allan Lohrey, Manawatu-Waganui Regional Council

Effect of Sewage Sludge on the Mineral Composition of Corn

Arthur E. Peterson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
P E. Speth, University of Wisconsin-Madison
P L. Schlecht, Milwauke Metropolitan Sewerage District

A Preliminary Discussion of the Management and Administration of Yunwu Mountain Natural Grassland Reserve in China

Zhao Zhiyi, Yunwu Mountain Grassland Natural Reserve
Yang Ailian, Animal Husbandry Department, China

Pastoral Systems of Central Himalaya: How Long Will They Survive?

K S. Rao, Himalayan Environment & Development
K G. Saxena, Himalayan Environment & Development

Use of Pasture as a Receivers for Swine Lagoon Effluent

J P. Mueller, North Carolina State University
J C. Barker, North Carolina State University
J P. Zublena, North Carolina University
M H. Poore, North Carolina University
R W. Harvey, North Carolina University
J T. Green, North Carolina State University

Reduction of Nutrient Losses for Dairy Farms, with Emphasis on Nitrogen

W Luten, Research Station for Cattle, Sheep and Horse Husbandry
D J. Den Boer, NMI

Nitrogen Dynamics in Three Contrasting Grassland Systems: Implications for Pasture Productivity and the Potential for Environmental Pollution

B E. Ruz-Jerez, INIA
R E. White, Massey University
P Roger Ball, No 1 Line

Cadmium in Soil, Pasture and Grazing Ruminants

J Lee, AgResearch, NZ
N D. Grace, AgResearch, NZ
A D. Mackay, AgResearch, NZ
M J. Hedley, Massey University
J R. Rouce, Massey University

Comparison Between Fodder Cropping Rotations Carried with or without Meadow in the Intensive Farming System of the Po Valley Plain (Italy)

Mario Onofrii, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere
Cesare Tomasoni, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere
Lamberto Borrelli, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere

Disparities in the Utilization of Nambia's grassland: A Need for Adjustments in the Beef Industry

Helmke Sartorius Von Bach, University of Pretoria
Johan Van Zyl, University of Pretoria

Land Subdivision in the Falkland Islands

O W. Summers, Falkland Islands Department of Agriculture
W.J R. Haydock, DANI, Belfast

Runoff Studies in Different Cropping Systems and Preliminary Results for Nitrogen Leaching

Ragnar Eltun, The Norwegian State Agricultural Research Station

Livestock Production Systems in the Cameroon Sahelo-Sudanian Region

E Tedonkeng Pamo, University Centre of Dschang
R D. Pieper, New Mexico State University

The Future of Sustainable Agriculture in the United States

Dennis R. Keeney, Iowa State University

Land Use in Non-Affluent Countries as Determined by Social Infrastructure and Population Patterns

Bore Motsamai, Ministry of Agriculture, Lesotho

Vertical Distribution of Botanical Components in Four Pastures Mixtures Grazed Solely by Goats

M J. Casey, Lincoln University
R J. Lucas, Lincoln University
D R. Stevens, AgResearch, NZ