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Dietary attributes and growth of cattle grazing tropical grass-legume pastures were ex.amined in 2 experiments in northern Queensland. Pastures oversown with legume gave substantial improvements in dietary ,nitrogen, digestibility and dry mauer intake compared with native 1rass pasture. On phosphorus (P)-deficient soils, applying P fertiliser or supplementing with P, improved P jntake, feed intake and growth rate of .cattle. Once nitrogen and P deficiencies were overcome, it was com:luded that diet digestibility was the main factor limiting the growth. of cattle and that the severity of this limitation was determined primarily by seasonal conditions.



Diet Selection, Diet Quality, Dry Matter Intake and Growth Rate of Cattle Grazing Tropical Grass-Legume

Dietary attributes and growth of cattle grazing tropical grass-legume pastures were ex.amined in 2 experiments in northern Queensland. Pastures oversown with legume gave substantial improvements in dietary ,nitrogen, digestibility and dry mauer intake compared with native 1rass pasture. On phosphorus (P)-deficient soils, applying P fertiliser or supplementing with P, improved P jntake, feed intake and growth rate of .cattle. Once nitrogen and P deficiencies were overcome, it was com:luded that diet digestibility was the main factor limiting the growth. of cattle and that the severity of this limitation was determined primarily by seasonal conditions.