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G39 white clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a cultivar of similar leaf size to Grasslands Huia, but with characteristically greater stolon numbers per unit area of pasture, It was bred for sheep-grazing systems from clover ecolypes collected and evaluated in northern New Zealand. Twelve parent plants tolerant of stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and leaf diseases, with better productivity than Huia, were selected. G39 was evaluated in Northland and at sites elsewhere in New Zealand, G39 produced more clover dry matter (DM) than Huia under rotational sheep grazing in Northland. At a hill country site in the southern North· Island, G39 yielded more clover OM and fixed more nitrogen than other lines, including Huia and the resident· clover ecotype, under intensive sheep grazing. The selection will be released as Grasslands Prestige in 1993.
Cooper, B M. and Chapman, D F., "Grasslands Prestige (G39), A White Clover Cultivar Originating from northern New Zealand" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 6.
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Grasslands Prestige (G39), A White Clover Cultivar Originating from northern New Zealand
G39 white clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a cultivar of similar leaf size to Grasslands Huia, but with characteristically greater stolon numbers per unit area of pasture, It was bred for sheep-grazing systems from clover ecolypes collected and evaluated in northern New Zealand. Twelve parent plants tolerant of stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and leaf diseases, with better productivity than Huia, were selected. G39 was evaluated in Northland and at sites elsewhere in New Zealand, G39 produced more clover dry matter (DM) than Huia under rotational sheep grazing in Northland. At a hill country site in the southern North· Island, G39 yielded more clover OM and fixed more nitrogen than other lines, including Huia and the resident· clover ecotype, under intensive sheep grazing. The selection will be released as Grasslands Prestige in 1993.