Adaptation of Grassland for Recreational and Amenity Use R J. Gibbs, NZ Turf Culture Institute |
Seedling Emergence from Buried Seed in Unsown and Oversown Hill Pasture M E. Wedderburn, AgResearch, NZ |
Assessing the Productivity of Pastures in the Central Highlands Region of Queensland, Australia J Willcocks, Queensland Department of Primary Industries |
Effect of Elevation on Vegetation in the Southern Alburz Chain, Iran Masoud Mohammad-Aliha, Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands |
Analysis of a Natural Pasture of the Karst Region (North-east Italy) Under Chemical Fertilization G Parente, CRSA |
Effect of Localized and Epsidodic Nutrient Supplies and Salinity on Growth of Selected Grass Species M M. Wolfson, Roodeplaat Grassland Institute |
J H. Neuteboom, Agricultural University |
Effects of the Fire Regime on Grassland and Savanna Rangelands in Southern Africa Winston S.W Trollope, University of Fort Hare |
Regeneration of Themeda triandra in Humid South African Rangelands K Adams, University of Fort Hare |
Effects of Herbicides and Fertilizers on Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea L.) in Hill Country Pastures A Rahman, AgResearch, NZ |
Aspects of Interference between Nodding Thistle (Carduus nutans L.) and Pasture Grasses and Legumes D A. Wardle, AgResearch, NZ |
Distribution and Abundance of Plant Species in Pastures and Rangelands John G. McIvor, CSIRO |
Dynamics of Stylosanthes Species in Mixed Pastures in a Marginal Environment J G. McIvor, CSIRO |
F P. Wandera, University of Queensland |
Autumn Management of Grass-legume Pasture D P. Belesky, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
J J. Bushell, Queensland Department of Primary Industries |
Establishing Alfalfa without Tillage D W. Koch, University of Wyoming |
Agronomic Behavior of Binary Mixtures in Basque Country Pastures M Oyanarte, Serviclo de lnvestigacion y Mejora Agraria |
Allelopathic Effects of Endophyte in Perennial Ryegrass Residues on Young Subterranean Clover Plants F J. Snell, Department of Food and Agriculture |
Effect of Excreta on Stolon Development of White Clover Under Continuous Cattle Grazing M I. Rebuffo, INIA-LA |
Sustainability of a Rocky Grassland Association Over Four Decades K Torok, Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Grazing Management for the Control of Vulpia spp. in Pastures C E. Jones, University of New England |
Grassland Investigation and Mapping Using Remote Sensing in Northern China Liu Fuyuan, Beijing Agricultural University |
Inverted "T" Drill Openers for Pasture Establishment by Conservation Tillage C J. Baker, Massey University |
P E. Quigley, Department of Food and Agriculture, AU |
Nitrogen Content of Panicum maximum when Grown with stylo and siratro Under Two Moisture Regimes U R. Sangakkara, University of Peradeniya |
Native Grasses: Their Distribution and Management in South-Eastern Australia P M. Dowling, NSW Agriculture |
Structure of Plant Communities in a Pastoral System in Northern Spain I Alonso, CSIC |
Effects of Quantity and Pattern of Herbage Removal on Botanical Composition of a Temperate Pasture W Harris, Landcare Research, NZ |
D L. Michalk, NSW Agriculture |
Recovery and Germination of Switchgrass Seed Fed to Cattle W R. Ocumpaugh, Texas A&M University |
Seedling Emergence and Survival of Medicago minima and Erodium cicutarium in Semi-Arid Argentina D E. Fresnillo-Fedorenko, CONACyT |
D B. Magcale-Macandog, University of New England |
L Gizachew, Institute of Agricultural Research |
M L. Smetham, Lincoln University |
Elephantgrass Establishment in Morogoro, Tanzania E J. Mtemgeti, University of Wales |
Multi-species Mixtures as a Pasture Research Technique D Scott, AgResearch, NZ |
M B. Dodd, AgResearch, NZ |
An Approach for Testing the Ecological Amplitude of herbage cultivars B D. Campbell, AgResearch, NZ |
Control Rumex obtusifolius L. by Manipulating Grass Seeding Rate for Re-Establishment of Pasture M Nashiki, Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station |
Herbage Yields of Barley and Hungarian Vetch or Hairy Vetch at Different Seeding Rates M Munzur, Field Crops Research Centre, Turkey |
David D. Briske, Texas A&M University |