Theme 09: Forage Quality
A study was undertaken to determine the effects of three perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars (Vedette, Impact and Nevis) with differing maturities, lock up length and nitrogen (N) application upon the dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive characteristics of pasture for silage. The addition of N at 50 kgN/ha significantly (P< 0.05) increased DM yield for all cultivars. Metabolisable energy (ME) (MJ/kgDM) of the ryegrass declined with time for all treatments, although by week 8 of lock up the ME content of Vedette was significantly (P< 0.05) lower than for other cultivars. When the DM yield and ME content of ryegrass at early ear emergence for each cultivar was compared, the harvestable metabolisable energy (MJ/ha) was highest for Nevis followed by Impact and Vedette. In conclusion, there is potential to use later maturing cultivars of ryegrass in south east Australia to allow for later harvesting of forage for silage, whilst maintaining ME and maximising DM yields. Furthermore the use of N fertiliser can also increase DM yields without impinging on pasture quality.
Jacobs, Joseph L.; McKenzie, Frank R.; and Ward, G. N., "The Effect of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivar Lock up Length and Nitrogen on Forage Quality for Silage" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 49.
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The Effect of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivar Lock up Length and Nitrogen on Forage Quality for Silage
A study was undertaken to determine the effects of three perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars (Vedette, Impact and Nevis) with differing maturities, lock up length and nitrogen (N) application upon the dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive characteristics of pasture for silage. The addition of N at 50 kgN/ha significantly (P< 0.05) increased DM yield for all cultivars. Metabolisable energy (ME) (MJ/kgDM) of the ryegrass declined with time for all treatments, although by week 8 of lock up the ME content of Vedette was significantly (P< 0.05) lower than for other cultivars. When the DM yield and ME content of ryegrass at early ear emergence for each cultivar was compared, the harvestable metabolisable energy (MJ/ha) was highest for Nevis followed by Impact and Vedette. In conclusion, there is potential to use later maturing cultivars of ryegrass in south east Australia to allow for later harvesting of forage for silage, whilst maintaining ME and maximising DM yields. Furthermore the use of N fertiliser can also increase DM yields without impinging on pasture quality.