Theme 05: Biotic Constraints to Forage Production from Grasslands
Several species and genera of spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are economic pests of grasses in tropical America. These insects compete with grazing animals by reducing forage availability and quality. They may cause serious losses on millions of hectares of improved pastures based on cultivars of several species of Brachiaria (signal grasses). Except for the cultivar Marandu, most of the available commercial cultivars of Brachiaria are susceptible to spittlebugs. In spite of their economic importance, much research need to be done yet. Such insect-plant system encompasses a diverse group of spittlebug species, a diverse group of forage grass species, which are under different management systems, in a broad range of ecological zones. Control efforts have been directed to host plant resistance, alternative that has been recognized as being of easy adoption and of low cost to farmers. It is probably the best control measure for controlling insect pests in low value crops, like pastures, widely established over vast areas. Screening for spittlebug resistance has been conducted both at CIAT and Embrapa-Beef Cattle Center, and promising accessions have been found. It is important however, that additional biological and behavioral studies of these insects, together with evaluations of other control techniques, like biological control and cultural practices, are also performed. Promising control measures and future research needs are discussed.
Valério, José R.; Cardona, C.; Peck, D. C.; and Sotelo, G., "Spittlebugs: Bioecology, Host Plant Resistance and Advances in IPM" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 6.
Spittlebugs: Bioecology, Host Plant Resistance and Advances in IPM
Several species and genera of spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are economic pests of grasses in tropical America. These insects compete with grazing animals by reducing forage availability and quality. They may cause serious losses on millions of hectares of improved pastures based on cultivars of several species of Brachiaria (signal grasses). Except for the cultivar Marandu, most of the available commercial cultivars of Brachiaria are susceptible to spittlebugs. In spite of their economic importance, much research need to be done yet. Such insect-plant system encompasses a diverse group of spittlebug species, a diverse group of forage grass species, which are under different management systems, in a broad range of ecological zones. Control efforts have been directed to host plant resistance, alternative that has been recognized as being of easy adoption and of low cost to farmers. It is probably the best control measure for controlling insect pests in low value crops, like pastures, widely established over vast areas. Screening for spittlebug resistance has been conducted both at CIAT and Embrapa-Beef Cattle Center, and promising accessions have been found. It is important however, that additional biological and behavioral studies of these insects, together with evaluations of other control techniques, like biological control and cultural practices, are also performed. Promising control measures and future research needs are discussed.