Theme 04: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition


The contents and the extraction of mineral nutrients were determined in a coastcross pasture established on a dark red latosol (Hapludox), in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, under tropical altitude climate, receiving five rates of urea and ammonium nitrate, applied on surface. There were differences (P< 0.05) among sources and rates of N. Nutrients extraction increased with the nitrogen levels. Especially high were total N (319 and 446 kg ha-1) and K (341 and 467 kg ha-1) extractions. When forage yield was high (treatment with 500 kg of N ha-1) and for both fertilizers, macronutrients extraction was greater for K and N, followed by Ca, S, P and Mg. Micronutrients extraction occurred in the following decreasing order: Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu.



Effect of Sources and Rates of Nitrogen on Nutrients Extraction in Coastcross Pastures

The contents and the extraction of mineral nutrients were determined in a coastcross pasture established on a dark red latosol (Hapludox), in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, under tropical altitude climate, receiving five rates of urea and ammonium nitrate, applied on surface. There were differences (P< 0.05) among sources and rates of N. Nutrients extraction increased with the nitrogen levels. Especially high were total N (319 and 446 kg ha-1) and K (341 and 467 kg ha-1) extractions. When forage yield was high (treatment with 500 kg of N ha-1) and for both fertilizers, macronutrients extraction was greater for K and N, followed by Ca, S, P and Mg. Micronutrients extraction occurred in the following decreasing order: Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu.