Theme 20: Forages in Cropping Systems


The integration agriculture/pasture is an alternative that allows countless benefits to the rural producer. At Embrapa Agricultural West four production systems were studied and two of them involved animal production. The systems Soybean/Pasture Rotation and Permanent Pasture were compared from september/98 to may/99. The availability and residue of dry matter of green leaves blades (DMGLB), stems (SDM) and senescent material, the gain/animal and gain/area was evaluated. The availability was monthly assessed. Herbage residue was higher in the Soybean/Pasture Rotation system. This system allowed gain/animal and gain/ha of 0.814 kg/day and 582 kg/ha, respectively, whereas the Permanent Pasture system the gain was 0.749kg/day and 515 kg/ha.



Performance of Steers in Brachiaria decumbens Pastures, Permanent and in Rotation with Soybean

The integration agriculture/pasture is an alternative that allows countless benefits to the rural producer. At Embrapa Agricultural West four production systems were studied and two of them involved animal production. The systems Soybean/Pasture Rotation and Permanent Pasture were compared from september/98 to may/99. The availability and residue of dry matter of green leaves blades (DMGLB), stems (SDM) and senescent material, the gain/animal and gain/area was evaluated. The availability was monthly assessed. Herbage residue was higher in the Soybean/Pasture Rotation system. This system allowed gain/animal and gain/ha of 0.814 kg/day and 582 kg/ha, respectively, whereas the Permanent Pasture system the gain was 0.749kg/day and 515 kg/ha.