Theme 18: Agro-Silvipastoral Systems
The objective of this study was to provide grazing management recommendations for a silvipastoral system by determining the effects of shade and nitrogen (N) on the pattern of dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in a subhumid temperate environment. Orchardgrass in open pasture (100% transmittance) and under 10 year old Pinus radiata tree shade (60% transmittance) at 200 stems/ha was used as the main plot and nitrogen (0 and 300 kg N/ha as synthetic urine) was the subplot factor. Dry matter (DM) production of orchardgrass in the first 60-day spring rotation was similar in open and shade conditions (2.6 t/ha) but approximately doubled by the application of N. In the 60- day summer rotation, DM production was about 22% lower in the shaded plots and was increased by about 60% by the addition of N. Crude protein and organic matter digestibility declined with herbage age and the onset of reproductive tiller growth. It was concluded that to maximise DM production without compromising pasture quality, grazing management of orchardgrass should be similar in open and shaded pastures in spring (30-35 day regrowth) but a shorter regrowth length used for open (20 days) than silvipastoral (25-30 days) systems in summer.
Peri, P. L.; Lucas, R. J.; Moot, D. J.; Varella, A. C.; and McNeil, D. L., "Optimizing Yield and Quality of Orchardgrass Pasture in Temperate Silvipastoral Systems" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 8.
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Optimizing Yield and Quality of Orchardgrass Pasture in Temperate Silvipastoral Systems
The objective of this study was to provide grazing management recommendations for a silvipastoral system by determining the effects of shade and nitrogen (N) on the pattern of dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in a subhumid temperate environment. Orchardgrass in open pasture (100% transmittance) and under 10 year old Pinus radiata tree shade (60% transmittance) at 200 stems/ha was used as the main plot and nitrogen (0 and 300 kg N/ha as synthetic urine) was the subplot factor. Dry matter (DM) production of orchardgrass in the first 60-day spring rotation was similar in open and shade conditions (2.6 t/ha) but approximately doubled by the application of N. In the 60- day summer rotation, DM production was about 22% lower in the shaded plots and was increased by about 60% by the addition of N. Crude protein and organic matter digestibility declined with herbage age and the onset of reproductive tiller growth. It was concluded that to maximise DM production without compromising pasture quality, grazing management of orchardgrass should be similar in open and shaded pastures in spring (30-35 day regrowth) but a shorter regrowth length used for open (20 days) than silvipastoral (25-30 days) systems in summer.