Theme 18: Agro-Silvipastoral Systems
A trial was conducted in Brazil to evaluate the performance of 6 tropical grasses: tanzania (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania), green-panic (P. maximum var. Trichoglume), aruana (P. maximum cv. Aruana), brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha), humidicola (B. humidicola) and tifton-85 (Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85), planted under two different densities of pines (Pinus elliottis): 200 and 400 stems/ha, as well as in the full sunlight. The results showed that the dry matter yield decreased as shading increased. The grasses tanzania and brizanta were the most tolerant to shading. Although N concentration increased with shading, the total N yield was still lower than that obtained with grasses in full sunlight, probably due to higher soil acidity and to lower nutrient content under the pines. The concentrations of P, K, Mg and S were higher and those of Ca lower under shading conditions. All elements were at adequate level, except for Tifton-85 that presented a low N content and a high content of S, probably due to the fact that this grass is more demanding in soil N. It is concluded that other factor besides light influenced DM and N yields; but even so, it was possible to obtain a satisfactory biomass production under shading conditions.
Gutmanis, D.; Alcantara, V. B. G.; Colozza, Maria T.; and Lourenço, Antonio João, "Production and Mineral Composition of Tropical Grasses Sown under a Pine Plantation" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 12.
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Production and Mineral Composition of Tropical Grasses Sown under a Pine Plantation
A trial was conducted in Brazil to evaluate the performance of 6 tropical grasses: tanzania (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania), green-panic (P. maximum var. Trichoglume), aruana (P. maximum cv. Aruana), brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha), humidicola (B. humidicola) and tifton-85 (Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85), planted under two different densities of pines (Pinus elliottis): 200 and 400 stems/ha, as well as in the full sunlight. The results showed that the dry matter yield decreased as shading increased. The grasses tanzania and brizanta were the most tolerant to shading. Although N concentration increased with shading, the total N yield was still lower than that obtained with grasses in full sunlight, probably due to higher soil acidity and to lower nutrient content under the pines. The concentrations of P, K, Mg and S were higher and those of Ca lower under shading conditions. All elements were at adequate level, except for Tifton-85 that presented a low N content and a high content of S, probably due to the fact that this grass is more demanding in soil N. It is concluded that other factor besides light influenced DM and N yields; but even so, it was possible to obtain a satisfactory biomass production under shading conditions.