Theme 14: Advances in Forage Legumes


An evaluation of a collection of amphicarpic Centrosema rotundifolium showed considerable variability among the six accessions tested, regarding above- and below-ground seed production. Dry-season forage yields were very low but rainy-season yields reached acceptable levels. Contents of crude protein, P and Ca were intermediate to high (CP and P) or low (Ca). Three accessions are suggested for on-farm testing in association with grasses in order to explore the plant persistence implications of belowground seed production under practical conditions. Furthermore, the potential of this amphicarpic species for the conservation of sandy soils deserves attention.



Evaluation of Centrosema rotundifolium for Sand-Soil Savannas in Eastern Venezuela

An evaluation of a collection of amphicarpic Centrosema rotundifolium showed considerable variability among the six accessions tested, regarding above- and below-ground seed production. Dry-season forage yields were very low but rainy-season yields reached acceptable levels. Contents of crude protein, P and Ca were intermediate to high (CP and P) or low (Ca). Three accessions are suggested for on-farm testing in association with grasses in order to explore the plant persistence implications of belowground seed production under practical conditions. Furthermore, the potential of this amphicarpic species for the conservation of sandy soils deserves attention.