Theme 13: Plant Improvement
The XIX International Grassland Congress took place in São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil from February 11 through February 21, 2001. Proceedings published by Fundacao de Estudos Agrarios Luiz de Queiroz
A Novel Technique to Produce Polygenic Resistance to Anthracnose in Stylosanthes capitata Bela Grof |
New Stylosanthes guianensis for Tropical Grasslands Bela Grof |
Variability for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake among Timothy Genotypes Réal Michaud, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada |
Drought Tolerance of Interspecific Hybrids between Trifolium repens and Trifolium ambiguum A. H. Marshall, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK |
R. J. Orr, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK |
Evaluation of Paspalum spp. with Adaptation to Poorly Drained Soils in the Tropical Americas Michael Peters, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia |
Switchgrass for Biomass Production Monroe Rasnake, University of Kentucky |
Agronomic Evaluation of Alfalfa Cultivars in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil J. C. de Saibro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
D. Wilman, University of Wales, UK |
Evaluation of Brachiaria brizantha Ecotypes under Grazing in Small Plots Valéria P. B. Euclides, EMBRAPA, Brazil |
In Vitro Propagation of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. M. M. G. Karasawa, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil |
Adaptability and Stability of Alfalfa Cultivars Ana C. Ruggieri, Instituto de Zootecnia, Brazil |
Competition of 35 Cultivars of Alfalfa at Sertãozinho-SP Ana C. Ruggieri, Instituto de Zootecnia, Brazil |
Tropical Forage Genetic Resources -- Will Any Be Left for Future Generations? B. L. Maass, Georg-August-University, Germany |
Achievements and Perspectives in the Breeding of Tropical Grasses and Legumes John W. Miles, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia |
Achievements and Perspectives in the Breeding of Temperate Grasses and Legumes Kenneth H. Quesenberry, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Selecting New Brachiaria for Brazilian Pastures Cacilda B. do Valle, EMBRAPA, Brazil |