Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Master of Science in Family Sciences (MSFS)

Document Type

Master's Thesis


Agriculture, Food and Environment


Family Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Robert H. Flashman


The purpose of this summative program evaluation was to determine if the High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) impacts the financial literacy of Kentucky high school students. The HSFPP is a national financial education program used by Kentucky public schools with the goal of improving financial literacy of participants. This evaluation is the first to use a one-group pre-test and post-test design to determine if the target group’s financial literacy is impacted by participation in the program. The results found that students’ financial literacy, and knowledge of specific components related to financial literacy, were impacted by participation. The results imply that the HSFPP is progressing toward the external stakeholders’ goal of improving Kentucky students’ financial literacy. This evaluation also piloted the use of a financial literacy measurement tool. The measurement tool was found to have several validity issues, and revisions are recommended for future evaluations.
