
The aim of this study is to report a case of iatrogenic poisoning by a turpentine-based commercial product in a 3-day-old foal and the successful treatment of this condition. A 3-day-old male foal presented with acute cardio-respiratory collapse, anaphylactic shock, severe respiratory distress, dyspnea and pulmonary edema. The animal’s history included previous administration of a commercial veterinary product (UNITIPAN). Clinical examination revealed: temperature: (39.9 °C), pulse: 135 bpm, respiration: 51 bpm, mucous membranes: moist and congested, capillary refill time: 3 sec or less. The foal was treated with emergency hydration, duphalyte, steroidal anti-inflammatory, atropine sulphate and antibiotic. After 6 h of treatment, the foal was stabilized and vital signs were normalized 8 h after treatment start.

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Notes/Citation Information

Briceño, A. M., Al Mahrouqi, H., Al Kayyoomi, A., Oliva, H., Brewer, K., & Tobin, T. (2020). Clinical signs associated with a case of iatrogenic poisoning by a turpentine-based commercial product in a 3-day-old foal. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 56(4), e153366. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1678-4456.bjvras.2019.153366

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